Seth Chambers

Case Manager

Seth Chambers is a patriot with a passion for helping Veterans. As a Marine, he has stomped the same foreign soil as other Veterans.  With three combat deployments, having been stationed overseas in Japan, and 18 years of service across active duty and the reserves, Seth understands from the ground level a wide range of Veteran’ circumstances.  This is why he is successful at arguing for his clients from their perspective.  A straight shooter with a heart for service, Seth is unafraid to tackle even the most difficult claim and battles efficiently and strategically to get the best results. Determined to help other Veterans, Seth uses his passion, sharp wit, and fierce resolve to win full compensation for Veterans for their service.

Having been a VA employee, Seth has special knowledge that gives him an advantage when arguing for his clients’ disability claims. Seth is deeply familiar with the disability claims process and is able to quickly identify how to counterattack the reason for denial. He’s able to present his clients’ cases to the VA from new perspectives, often leading them to change their minds about previously denied claims. Winning these cases for his clients emblazons his resolve as a Marine to keep fighting and “lead by example,” encouraging each of his clients to never give up the battle for the benefits they rightly deserve.

Seth Chambers

Case Managers

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