The Service Connection September-October 2016

Veterans’ Law Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 2 Considering VA Reconsideration By Stephani Bennett In recent years, a “Request for VA Reconsideration” has become a hot button issue at the VA. The VA has begun to recommend that veterans who receive a denial on their initial claims submit a request for reconsideration. It sounds reasonable enough, … Continued

The Long Wait

Why is it taking so long for the VA to process my claim? This is a common question among veterans filing for VA disability benefits. A big reason that veterans wait such a long time is that there are a lot of claims to get through. For example, in Florida, there is one regional office … Continued

New Plan for Veterans’ Health Records Criticized

The Pentagon and the Veterans Affairs Department announced Tuesday that they will work to enhance their existing computer systems so that soldiers’ health records can be tracked (and accessed) more efficiently. The proposed integrations should also limit future delays and process benefits claims in a timely manner. The new plan for veterans’ health records is … Continued

Oldest VA Claims to Be Expedited

It appears that older Veterans’ disability claims will be expedited. As part of an recent announcement by the U.S. Department of Veterans’ Affairs, the oldest claims will be immediately evaluated and paid. The move is something that veterans’ disability advocates have called for, as they have insisted that old claims have at least some type … Continued

What Is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?

ABC News reported George Zimmerman, the Florida man acquitted of murdering teenager Trayvon Martin, says he lives in constant fear and suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The Florida jury found Zimmerman not guilty of murdering Martin, 17, after Zimmerman testified that the teenager knocked him down, banged his head on the concrete sidewalk, and … Continued

Your Right to Veteran Disability Benefits

“A man who runs the risk of shedding his blood for his country is good enough to be given a square deal afterwards. More than that no man is entitled and less than that no man shall have.” – Teddy Roosevelt, July 4, 1903 In the history of mankind, no individual has done more for … Continued

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