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VA Disability Lawyer in Nebraska

All Veterans of the United States of America deserve disability compensation for injuries or disabilities that arose while serving our country, including Veterans living in Nebraska, home to roughly 142,176 Veterans. The Census Bureau calculates that roughly 23% of that group have a service-connected disability rating (the average state is 17%). However, there are many who have a service-connected disability that are not receiving the full compensation they are entitled to. A VA disability lawyer in Nebraska could help you fight for and receive the compensation they deserve.

Our team at Berry Law has been committed to helping Veterans in their fight for disability compensation for over 30 years. With our main office headquartered in Lincoln, and other offices in Omaha and Seward, we are well equipped to help Veterans throughout the state of Nebraska appeal their rating decisions. Contact a Veterans disability lawyer today to see how we could help you.

The attorneys of Berry Law have represented Veterans in every state in the US. We fight for Veterans’ disability appeals at every VA Regional Office in America and are dedicated to ensuring Veterans’ rights are protected. If you have been denied VA benefits, or are unhappy with your rating decision, you may want to enlist the support of a VA disability attorney in Nebraska.


Back Pay Recovered for
Army Veteran
in Nebraska


Back Pay Recovered for
Marine Corps Veteran
in Nebraska


Back Pay Recovered for
Army Veteran
in Nebraska


Starting a VA Claim in Nebraska

A VA disability claim can be initiated from anywhere in the US, regardless of where you served.  You can apply directly online through the VA eBenefits website or use the services of a local VSO (Veterans Service Officer).

To get started, you need to complete VA Form 21-526EZ or apply online through the VA eBenefits portal. You may need to submit additional forms based on your individual circumstances. Additional forms that you may need to submit include forms for PTSD (0781 or 0781a) and TDIU (21-8940 and 21-4192) The forms must be signed and dated, packaged with any evidence you wish for the VA to consider, and either mailed to the VA Evidence Intake Center in Janesville, Wisconsin, or faxed to the VA at the number listed on the form.

Initial claims generally take several months to process, although they can be expedited for certain reasons. It is important to start your claim early to establish an early effective date. The effective date remains in place regardless of how long it takes to fully settle a claim, which can take years depending on the individual claims you are filing for. The effective date is important because the VA is required to compensate you for every month that has passed from the effective date to the date your claim is granted. It is also important to keep in mind that the effective date can be lost if you don’t maintain appeals for your claims. For example, if you have one year to file a notice of disagreement but wait too long to do so, you may be forced to reopen your claim resulting in a new effective date.

This is one reason it is so important to appeal decisions thoroughly, to keep the effective date in place and get all the compensation you are entitled to.

Appealing a VA Decision in Nebraska

Even the most thoroughly prepared claim for benefits may not yield the desired result for a Veteran’s initial claim. If an initial claim is denied, rated too low, or given an improper effective date, you can appeal the decision. This is the first step in the appeals process that a Nebraska VA disability lawyer from Berry Law can help.

You can appeal your claim in several different ways depending on how the decision was reached. Berry Law can help you present the most compelling appeal for your case, and our team has been a crucial part of helping Veterans get the compensation they deserve.

Berry Law has helped its clients recover over $100 Million in backpay over decades of client service.  We have attorneys and advocates in various locations throughout Nebraska. We have helped clients in Nebraska and every other state in America, along with Veterans in US territories and foreign countries. If you need assistance with your appeal, contact the experienced Veterans appeals lawyers in Nebraska at Berry Law.

Some appeals processes can last years, but as long as you have preserved your effective date by keeping appeals open, you are entitled to receive back pay for every month that elapsed during the process.  The first type of appeal is usually a Notice of Disagreement (NOD). This form notifies the VA that you disagree with the decision that has been made. NODs can be as simple as filling out the form and commenting “I disagree”, or can include dozens of pages of supporting material. The Regional Offices in Nebraska are located at: 4101 Woolworth Avenue, Omaha, NE 68105.

The Regional Office responds to NODs with a Statement of Case (SOC), which outlines of the case and is sent to the Board of Veterans’ Appeals (BVA). The BVA will conduct their own review to reach a decision. If you are unsatisfied with the BVA decision, you can then appeal to the US Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (CAVC) for further adjudication. If you would like help appealing a VA decision in Nebraska you can contact Berry Law for more information and a free consultation.

Selecting a VA Certified Disability Attorney in Nebraska

Not every Nebraska VA disability attorney is identical. If you would like to use an attorney, it is a good idea to select one that will continue working with you throughout the multi-year process, and who has represented Veterans with every type of appeal. A lengthy history of practicing Veterans law is a good indication that a Law Firm will not abandon you in the middle of an appeals process. Beware of firms that only began practicing Veterans Law after 2007 when it became more “profitable” for them. Testimonials and reviews can provide additional insight that may help you determine how well the firm has done for other Veterans.

Military service may also be important to you. Choosing to work with a VA appeals lawyer in Nebraska who has deployed or mobilized can make communicating about difficult issues easier and eliminate the need to explain your military experiences to someone without similar experience. Having a “battle buddy” or “shipmate” who has been in similar circumstances may make you more comfortable opening up about your experiences and individual needs. Will your law firm understand the intense stress of combat?  Selecting the right firm can make a big difference in reaching the outcome you want. A VA disability lawyer in Nebraska from Berry Law could help you.

Berry Law: The Veterans Law Firm

Berry Law was established by Vietnam Veteran John Stevens Berry, Sr. During a JAG tour in Vietnam, he successfully defended Green Berets against murder charges, among other courtroom victories for his fellow servicemembers, earning him significant national praise. After leaving the service, he opened his own firm in Lincoln focused on criminal defense, but where he also helped Veterans in Nebraska with legal work, particularly supporting fellow Vietnam Veterans who had been disabled in service.

His son, John S. Berry, , is now the Managing Partner of the Firm, and retired as a Lieutenant Colonel from the Nebraska National Guard, where he held multiple Command positions after serving in both Bosnia and Iraq during Active Duty periods. John has built a Firm that lives on military tradition and values.  The firm employs Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Air Force Veterans. We have attorneys hailing from each branch, and are proud to have both Officers and Enlisted, with service ranks ranging from E2 – O6 (including an E9). Our Veterans served during every major conflict since Vietnam, and combined have earned hundreds of awards, ribbons, and commendations for their service. Also on staff are Reservists and Nebraska National Guardsmen still wearing the uniform.

We bring both our passion for the military and our passion for the law to help Nebraska Veterans in their fight for disability benefits. Contact our team today to speak VA disability lawyer in Nebraska.

Serving Clients Throughout Nebraska

A Berry Law VA disability lawyer in Nebraska can help vets throughout the state. Berry Law can help Veterans in a variety of cities, including those in:

  • Lincoln
  • Omaha
  • Grand Island
  • Kearney
  • Bellevue
  • North Platte
  • Norfolk
  • Scottsbluff
  • Columbus
  • Papillion
  • Nebraska City
  • Ogallala
  • Gretna
  • Gothenburg
  • Paul
  • Seward
  • Cozad

VA Resources for Nebraskans

VA Health Care System

  • Omaha, NE – Omaha VA Medical Center–VA Nebraska-Western Iowa HCS

VA Medical Center

  • Grand Island, NE – Grand Island VA Medical Center

Outpatient Clinic

  • Lincoln, NE – Lincoln VA Clinic

Community Based Outpatient Clinic

  • Bellevue, NE – Bellevue VA Clinic
  • Gordon, NE – Gordon VA Clinic
  • Holdrege, NE – Holdrege VA Clinic
  • Norfolk, NE – Norfolk VA Clinic
  • North Platte, NE – North Platte VA Clinic
  • O’Neill, NE – O’Neill Community-Based Outreach Clinic
  • Scottsbluff, NE – Panhandle of Nebraska CBOC
  • Sidney, NE – Sidney VA Outpatient Clinic

Vet Center

  • Lincoln, NE – Lincoln Vet Center
  • Omaha, NE – Omaha Vet Center

Regional Benefit Office

  • Lincoln, NE – Lincoln Regional Office

Intake Site (Pre-Discharge Claims Assistance)

  • Offutt, AFB, NE – Offutt Air Force Base

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