The VA's Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care System will be holding its Veterans' Freedom Music Festival on June 15, 2013. The event will be held at the VA clinic campus in Lincoln, Nebraska. It will open
Read Full ArticleVeterans may have heard that executives from two government departments, the DOD and the VA, reported to Congress on July 10 that they are close to resolving the issue of the backlog of claims for
Read Full ArticleIn an August 8, 2008, article entitled, "War Veterans' Concussions Are Often Overlooked", The New York Times reported the following: Former Staff Sgt. Kevin Owsley is not quite sure what rattled his brain in 2004: the roadside
Read Full ArticleThe Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is under intense scrutiny due to a surge in medical malpractice complaints from Veterans and their families. These complaints range from delayed treatment and missed diagnoses to horrific incidents
Read Full ArticleNebraska residents might be startled to hear that veterans are dying from accidental prescription narcotics overdoses at a significantly higher rate than their civilian counterparts. According to in investigative report released by CBS, veterans' access
Read Full ArticleInjured or sick veterans from all over the country may feel that they have suffered mistreatment by the Veterans Administration. This may be the case whenever a government agency is in charge of hospitals and
Read Full ArticleReaders may be interested in a CNN investigative report alleging that there are at least six veteran deaths because of denied or delayed care. In response, members of Congress visited two Veterans Administration hospitals featured
Read Full ArticleOver the Memorial Day holiday, the nation thanked all the military men and women who have served in the military. The holiday is a chance to focus on challenges vets face as they transition back
Read Full ArticleIn a prior post, we reported on how the number of paper based disability claims was so massive that it threatened to collapse the North Carolina building where they are stored. While Veterans Affairs claims
Read Full ArticleIn a prior post we noted the increasing costs of caring for disabled veterans. Specifically, such costs had increased from $14.8 billion in 2000 to $39.4 billion as of 2011. Indeed, multiple deployments and wars
Read Full ArticleOur monthly newsletter features about important and up-to-date veterans' law news, keeping you informed about the changes that matter.