What Are the Symptoms of Agent Orange? | PTSD Lawyers

What Are the Symptoms of Agent Orange?

Agent Orange Exposure: Symptoms, Presumptive Diseases, and Your VA Benefits. This video explains the connection between Agent Orange exposure and various health issues veterans face. Learn about common symptoms, the VA’s list of presumptive diseases (like Parkinson’s, heart disease, and certain cancers), and how to seek the disability benefits you deserve.

What Are the Symptoms of Agent Orange Transcript

There are certain symptoms associated with Agent Orange, but there are also specific diseases and disabilities that are presumptive for those that have been exposed to Agent Orange. There is an undiagnosed illness that includes symptoms such as fatigue, rashes, headaches, muscle pain, joint pain, respiratory issues, sleep disturbances, gastrointestinal issues, and cardiovascular system. Additionally, the VA has recognized disabilities and diseases associated to Agent Orange, where if a veteran has these specific disabilities, the VA presumes that the veteran should be service connected.

These include chloracne, diabetes mellitus, Hodgkin’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, ischemic heart disease, peripheral neuropathy, prostate cancer, respiratory issues, and soft tissue sarcoma, to name a few.

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