During the Vietnam War, exposure to JP4 jet fuel and other jet fuels was widespread in the Air Force and in other branches of the military. Veterans may have been exposed to jet fuels used to operate military aircraft and other vehicles. Medical researchers have linked jet fuel exposure to a variety of health problems. Veterans whose exposure resulted in a medical diagnosis may be eligible for VA benefits for exposure to jet fuel.
Even more concerning is that jet fuels were frequently combined with the powerful herbicide Agent Orange to destroy crops throughout the war. Agent Orange is now widely known to have long-term adverse health effects on those exposed to it. On top of that, JP4 jet fuel exposure can cause serious health problems, and many Vietnam Veterans suffer adverse health effects due to prolonged exposure to the substance, along with the herbicide it was combined with.
Jet fuel exposure continued to be a common issue for military personnel long after the Vietnam War. Other forms of jet fuel came into play after the use of JP4 fuel in Vietnam, which was also toxic and could cause long-term health problems. If you are a Veteran and came into contact with jet fuel, you may be suffering from symptoms of jet fuel exposure syndrome, even years after your service. Fortunately, jet fuel exposure can make you eligible to receive VA disability benefits from the VA. These benefits can help you get the financial resources you need to take care of yourself and your family, even if your condition keeps you from working.
In this post, we’ll talk about the symptoms of exposure to jet fuel and the toxic herbicide it was often combined with, Agent Orange. We’ll also discuss how you can receive VA disability compensation for service-connected exposure to these toxic substances. You shouldn’t have to suffer from the long-term effects of jet fuel exposure without getting the help that you need. At Berry Law, we’re committed to helping our fellow Veterans get the support they deserve from the VA, including the many Veterans who are suffering from the long-term effects of jet fuel exposure.
Scientific research shows that exposure to the toxic chemicals in jet fuel can have devastating long-term effects and lead to a variety of health complications. Below are a few of the health consequences linked to toxic jet fuel exposure. If you are a Veteran suffering from one of these diseases and can connect your condition to your military service, you may be eligible to receive disability VA disability benefits, which include financial compensation.
One disease that is directly connected to jet fuel exposure is Parkinson’s disease. Veterans exposed to jet fuel are at higher risk for Parkinson’s because of the presence of hydrocarbons in jet fuel, which is a significant factor in many Parkinson’s cases. Symptoms of Parkinson’s can make it extremely difficult to work and can make simple tasks nearly impossible, as the disease affects the central nervous system and inhibits movement control. Parkinson’s disease resulting from the hydrocarbons in jet fuel often manifests earlier than other causes of the disease, making the condition unexpectedly prevalent for younger Veterans.
When a Veteran has been exposed to jet fuel and develops Parkinson’s, the VA will generally recognize the condition as a VA service connection. If you can verify that your Parkinson’s developed due to exposure to jet fuel and that the exposure occurred during active duty, the VA will provide you disability benefits. One of the most important steps to take to get disability benefits for Parkinson’s from the VA is to have significant medical evidence. Once a connection has been established between your case of Parkinson’s and your military service, the VA will see your application for disability benefits as legitimate.
Another important consideration to make if you are a Veteran suffering from Parkinson’s is that your symptoms may worsen over time. It’s not pleasant to think about, but Parkinson’s can often progress and become more severe, meaning that it may become even more challenging to work. If your Parkinson’s symptoms worsen, file a VA disability claim to have your disability rating reevaluated by the VA. If service-related Parkinson’s disease has made it harder or even impossible for you to work, Veterans Affairs may be willing to grant you a 100% VA disability rating.
Exposure to jet fuel has been linked to multiple neurological problems, including dementia, Alzheimer’s, and decreases in cognitive functioning. If such exposure to jet propulsion fuel while serving in the military has affected you mentally, you can receive significant disability benefits from the VA.
Like Parkinson’s disease, neurological diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s often progress and worsen over time. Veterans suffering from these diseases can become eligible for more support from the VA as symptoms worsen and cognitive functioning becomes more impaired. If you are a Veteran suffering from any impairment of cognitive functioning and can verify a disability-related connection to exposure to jet fuel, the VA should grant you VA disability benefits.
Psychological issues are often inaccurately assessed by the VA. If the VA gives an inaccurate rating, a Veteran will receive fewer benefits for their disability than they deserve. At Berry Law, we’re committed to helping Veterans get the support they deserve from the VA — we don’t want any Veteran to be short-changed or left without resources that are crucial for their lives and the lives of their families. If you have received a VA disability rating for issues related to service-related toxic exposure to jet fuel and suspect that it is too low, we can help you appeal to the VA to get your rating changed.
Agent Orange is a powerful and toxic herbicide that was used in the Vietnam War to destroy foliage concealment and enemy crops. The herbicide was often used in conjunction with jet fuels to make its destructive properties even more powerful. However, exposure to Agent Orange, along with jet fuel, has left many Vietnam Vets with long-term health concerns, including degenerative diseases.
A degenerative disease often causes a person’s condition to worsen as time passes. This means that a service-connected degenerative disease will make a Veteran eligible for a higher VA disability rating as their condition progresses. If your disability rating has remained unchanged, but your condition has worsened, it is crucial to get the VA to reevaluate your rating. Support from an experienced attorney can be extremely helpful in navigating this process. We can help you avoid being short-changed by the VA by helping you to make the VA’s rules and regulations work for you, not against you.
If you served in Vietnam between January 9, 1962, and May 7, 1975, the VA considers you eligible to receive benefits for service-related exposure to Agent Orange. In addition, the VA will also presume Agent Orange exposure in any Veteran who served around the Korean demilitarized zone between April 1, 1968, and August 31, 1971. If you were in any way involved with piloting or maintaining the aircraft that sprayed Agent Orange herbicide, you could also have presumed exposure to Agent Orange acknowledged by the VA.
Exposure to this toxic herbicide has been connected to multiple forms of cancer and other degenerative diseases in Veterans. Lung cancer, prostate cancer, and lymphoma are among the most common forms of cancer linked to exposure to Agent Orange. These cancers can progressively worsen over time, often making it impossible for a Veteran to maintain a job. If you are in treatment for cancer that has been linked to exposure to Agent Orange, you are highly likely to receive a high disability rating from the VA.
As is the case with jet fuel exposure, Agent Orange is also linked to Parkinson’s disease. As another degenerative disease, the symptoms of Parkinson’s often progress and worsen over the years, which can lead to the VA’s rating of a Veteran’s disability status becoming inaccurate over time. While the VA will reevaluate and raise a disability rating based on worsening symptoms in many cases, they sometimes will still rate inaccurately. In these situations, it is best to get the help of an attorney who can help you navigate the appeals process.
If you are suffering from a degenerative disease due to exposure to jet fuel or Agent Orange, you may be eligible to receive much higher disability compensation than you are currently getting. Our team of attorneys is ready and able to help you make a strong case to the VA that they should raise your disability rating. A higher rating means that you can better support yourself and your family, even if your condition is making it impossible for you to work. At Berry Law, we know how important an accurate disability rating can be for Veterans, and we want to do everything we can to help you get yours.
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