Readers may be interested in a CNN investigative report alleging that there are at least six veteran deaths because of denied or delayed care. In response, members of Congress visited two Veterans Administration hospitals featured in the report, demanding answers to the veterans’ claims.
In addition to the six confirmed deaths, sources told CNN that at least 20 more are either dead or dying of cancer because they were forced to wait too long for treatment or diagnosis. The allegations are that thousands of veterans have waited for months for basic services such as colonoscopies. By the time they were seen and given a diagnosis, it was too late.
The two hospitals acknowledge that they have had wait lists for gastrointestinal appointments that stretch back as far as 2010. The hospitals claim that the issues have been addressed; however, the members of Congress say that the VA has not offered an explanation for the poor treatment of veterans.
For the past year, the Veterans Affairs Committee has been investigating issues with VA medical centers. The committee says that the VA has been withholding information from Congress. One committee member stated that a lack of ability to identify who is responsible for the backlog and a lack of disciplinary action have contributed to the VA’s problems. The members of Congress and the committee will continue to seek answers and demand information.
Veterans who have suffered from poor medical care or delayed treatment or diagnosis may be eligible for compensation from the Veterans Administration. It may be confusing and intimidating to deal with government bureaucracy and paperwork. A lawyer with a background in veterans’ affairs may provide representation and advocacy in order to obtain fair compensation.
Source:, “Congress demands answers after CNN report on VA deaths“, Drew Griffin, Nelli Black, Scott Bronstein, January 07, 2014.
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