Veterans may face a variety of traumatic events throughout their time in the service. After coming home from being discharged, many may also have difficulty adjusting to their former way of life, in part due to what they experienced in the service. Because of these traumatic events, there is a chance that Veterans may suffer from adjustment disorder or PTSD.
Not knowing the differences between PTSD and adjustment disorder can lead to confusion, and it may also lead Veterans to possibly make mistakes when making a VA disability claim.
For a Veteran to make a claim for their PTSD, they should know the difference between that and an adjustment disorder.
The main difference between the two is that an adjustment disorder involves stressful situations, while PTSD occurs after a traumatic event.
While many Veterans face traumatic events while in the military, those traumatic events do not always have to occur in combat situations. Whether it is through the death of a fellow service member, sexual assault, or a natural disaster, non-combat traumatic experiences can be just as serious as combat situations.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) classifies both PTSD and adjustment disorder. Thankfully, the Department of Veterans Affairs may give benefits to Veterans who suffer from adjustment disorder and PTSD.
Because adjustment disorder is considered a short-term disorder, symptoms will usually not last as long as some forms of PTSD. However, that does not mean it should go untreated. Any untreated symptoms can develop into something more serious over time.
If a Veteran feels as though they have any of these symptoms, they should consult a medical professional immediately.
The only way a Veteran will be able to get benefits for adjustment disorder is by making a service connection. Seeing a VA medical doctor may allow them to get the proper diagnosis and go over the details of the stressor(s).
Medical professionals mainly prescribe two outlets as proper treatment for adjustment disorder: medication and therapy.
Though treatment for adjustment disorder is not as long as some other mental disorders, it can take a long time. This is especially the case when a Veteran suffers from both adjustment disorder and PTSD.
A Veteran can suffer from both. Many Veterans suffer from traumatic experiences that are not dealt with while in the service, and then they are discharged and have to adjust to a new way of life.
Veterans may feel overwhelmed when this happens. A lack of immediate treatment can make symptoms incredibly difficult to deal with.
This is why a medical professional should be immediately consulted when a Veteran goes through a major change in their life or when they have a traumatic experience. If they do not, it may only get worse, which may be more difficult to treat in the long run.
The symptoms of PTSD differ from those of adjustment disorder, mainly because PTSD has four different categories.
A Veteran has to show symptoms of all four categories to be diagnosed with PTSD. If a Veteran feels as though they are experiencing symptoms, they should consult a doctor.
Failure to treat PTSD can result in extreme cases of homelessness or suicide. The best way to decrease the symptoms of PTSD is by finding a doctor who can lead you to proper treatments.
There are both similarities and important differences between the process of making a claim for adjustment disorder and making one for PTSD. The main similarity between the two is the necessity of an in-service connection. If a Veteran’s mental disorder cannot be connected to their time in the service, the VA will not grant them their claim or benefits.
A Veteran should gather the right information to prove the necessary factors for an in-service connection for adjustment disorder vs. PTSD.
There are three components for making a service connection:
If any of these three components are missing from a Veterans claim, then they will not be able to make a service connection.
One of the main differences between making a claim for PTSD instead of an adjustment disorder is the special rules surrounding PTSD. It can be incredibly difficult to get benefits from the VA for PTSD because of these special rules.
Veterans will usually have to go to a Compensation and Pension (C&P) exam to qualify for a service connection for PTSD. If they fail to do so, the VA will most likely deny their claim, and they will have to start over again.
The VA can make mistakes. Whether it comes from overlooking key information or not compiling the evidence properly to make a sound judgment on a disability rating, mistakes can occur. This can be especially common in claims that have to do with mental disorders.
Because the VA is still learning so much about mental disorders, there is a tendency to make mistakes when going through a Veteran’s claim and giving disability ratings.
The good news is that if the VA makes a mistake, the Veteran can appeal the VA’s decision.
It is critical that the Veteran begins the appeal process within a year of the initial decision that the VA made. If they fail to do so, they will have to start the whole process all over again. Veterans should not have to wait that long for their benefits.
The earlier the appeal process starts, the more likely a Veteran will receive benefits more quickly.
For the best results in the appeals process, a Veteran might consider working with an experienced VA disability benefits attorney. The appeal process is considered more difficult than the claims process, and it can even take longer.
Many Veterans are unfamiliar with the VA’s regulations and rules, which can make them prone to simple mistakes, even if they are unaware of them.
To make sure that a Veteran’s appeal is as good as it can be, they may consider consulting an attorney at Berry Law. Our experience allows us to effectively advocate for Veterans when the VA makes mistakes.
Though there are similarities between adjustment disorder and PTSD, there are important differences as well.
Because traumatic events do not usually cause adjustment disorder, Veterans may find that treatment does not have to be as long as it is for PTSD. However, this is not always the case, and in any situation where there are symptoms of either adjustment disorder or PTSD, Veterans should seek treatment.
Need help filing a PTSD or adjustment disorder appeal? Contact Berry Law’s VA attorneys to start the process of receiving the benefits you’ve earned.
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