Some veterans may be interested in a meeting where Vietnam Veterans discussed Agent Orange exposure. The group of veterans met at a church in Tennessee to discuss the various health problems they have suffered from due to chemical exposure. Thirty years after the fighting ended, many Vietnam veterans are still battling diseases they contracted due to the use of a defoliant called Agent Orange.
According to one veteran, Agent Orange was sprayed into the jungle from helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft during the Vietnam War. The toxic chemical was used to clear large foliage so that soldiers would have a better view of the enemy. After the war ended, many veterans began to notice serious health problems, including various forms of cancer. Today, thousands of veterans suffer from diseases that can be linked to Agent Orange exposure.
The goal of the recent meeting was to let Vietnam veterans talk about the health problems they’ve experienced and to supply them with the resources they need to find help. Although veterans are entitled to health benefits in the United States, an incredible number of them do not understand how they work. With hundreds of veterans gathering in one place, those who did understand how their benefits worked were able to help those who did not.
Vietnam veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange have been known to suffer from lung cancer, Parkinson’s disease and leukemia. A lawyer may be able to help if a veteran is not receiving adequate medical coverage for their health issues by representing them in a VA claim. A lawyer may gather evidence of the veteran’s military service and the resulting disability in order to seek compensation for medical expenses.
Source: News Channel 5, “Vietnam Veterans Discuss Effects Of Agent Orange”, Marcus Washington, October 29, 2013.
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