
VA Disability for Erectile Dysfunction

VA Disability for Erectile Dysfunction

A common condition affecting Veterans today is erectile dysfunction, often referred to as ED. It is estimated that Veterans are three times more likely to get erectile dysfunction than their civilian counterparts. The inability to get and maintain an erection can lead to stress, self-confidence issues, and relationship problems. It could also be a symptom of another health condition that requires attention, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep disorders, or heart disease. Erectile dysfunction may be awkward to talk about, but this shouldn’t prevent you from seeking VA disability compensation for the condition. By claiming VA disability for erectile dysfunction that began in service or soon after, you could receive additional monthly compensation from the VA.

What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction can be caused by any of the factors that contribute to male sexual arousal, such as hormones, emotions, nerves, blood vessels, and muscles. Erectile dysfunction can develop due to any one or combination of these factors. The issue may be physical or psychological in nature, perhaps even a combination of the two.

Physical causes of erectile dysfunction include:

  • Heart disease
  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Peyronie’s disease
  • Sleep disorders
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Low testosterone
  • Various prescription medications
  • Alcoholism
  • Treatments for prostate cancer
  • Surgeries/injuries that involve the pelvis or spine

Psychological causes of erectile dysfunction include:

  • Depression
  • PTSD
  • Fatigue
  • Relationship problems

Please note that other issues not listed above may also lead to erectile dysfunction.

Service Connection for Erectile Dysfunction

As with all conditions, getting service connected for erectile dysfunction requires three things:

  • Evidence of an event or injury during service
  • Having a current diagnosis
  • A nexus, or connection, between the two

To receive compensation for a VA disability for erectile dysfunction, service connection must consist of evidence of a physical injury to the genital region or an event that would have resulted in psychological trauma, which then led to a loss of sexual ability as a secondary condition. Generally speaking, the easiest way to win service connection would be through secondary service connection to an already service connected condition, whether that be PTSD, diabetes, or heart disease. Medical evidence diagnosing erectile dysfunction, and a lay statement documenting frequency of the condition could prove helpful in achieving service connection.

Types of VA ratings for erectile dysfunction

The most likely rating that a Veteran will receive for erectile dysfunction is that of Special Monthly Compensation. Specifically, SMC(k) for loss of use of a creative organ. While this applies to erectile dysfunction, it can also be awarded for the loss of use of one or both testicles, or one or both ovaries. As of December 2019, SMC(k), for a single Veteran, carries a monthly payment of $110.31.

Call Us Today

Erectile dysfunction is a common condition among Veterans. If you have been denied VA disability for erectile dysfunction that occurred as a result of your military service, call our team. We have experience helping Veterans appeal VA decisions and understand what you need to get your claim approved. Call our team today to schedule a free case evaluation and take the next steps to receive the VA compensation that you are entitled to.

Berry Law

The attorneys at Berry Law are dedicated to helping injured Veterans. With extensive experience working with VA disability claims, Berry Law can help you with your disability appeals.

This material is for informational purposes only. It does not create an attorney-client relationship between the Firm and the reader, and does not constitute legal advice. Legal advice must be tailored to the specific circumstances of each case, and the contents of this blog are not a substitute for legal counsel.

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