
VA Compensation for Spinal Injuries

VA Compensation for Spinal Injuries

Veterans who are injured in service are entitled to disability benefits for their disabilities. For many Veterans, the intensive work in the military can lead to back or spinal injuries. If you have a spinal injury that was caused by military service, you may be eligible for disability compensation for the resulting disability. Contact Berry Law for assistance appealing your VA disability claim for spinal injuries.

VA Disability Claims Involving the Spine

A Veteran may make several VA disability claims for injuries of the spine or back due to the way the VA calculates these disabilities. It is important to remember that the spine has separate sections. Two that are important for Veterans filing for disability benefits are the thoracolumbar (lower back) and cervical (neck) sections. A  Veteran can file multiple claims and receive separate ratings for both lower back and neck injuries, as well as any secondary injuries.

How the VA Rates Spinal Injuries

Disabilities of the spine are rated in one of two ways by the Department of Veterans Affairs:

  • Loss of range of motion
  • Incapacitating episodes if there is intervertebral disc syndrome (IVDS)

IVDS often results in higher ratings for a back or neck disability, but incapacitating episodes require bed rest as prescribed by a doctor.

Since the spinal cord is an essential part of the central nervous system (CNS), spinal Injuries can also lead to other disabilities throughout your body. For example, if you have numbness or tingling of the limbs, you may receive separate ratings for radiculopathy of the limbs. If there is involvement of specific nerves (femoral or sciatic), you may receive separate ratings for each nerve if there is objective testing that shows involvement.

C&P Exams for Back Injuries

When going to a compensation and pension examination for a back or neck disability, it is important to report where and when pain begins, and to report any flare-ups you might have and the effect of those flare-ups. Examiners are looking for evidence of painful motion. If you do have incapacitating episodes, it is important to record those. Doctor’s notes, evidence of missed work, and reports of pain will all help when trying to maximize your ratings.

How to Receive Service Connection

To receive disability compensation for any injury you sustained in service, you must first establish service connection. To receive service connection for spinal injuries, you must prove 3 things:

  1. A current diagnosis of your spinal injury
  2. An event in service that led to your disability
  3. A nexus or medical opinion that links your current medical diagnosis to the in-service event

Veterans Disability Attorneys for Spinal Injuries

Berry Law is dedicated to helping Veterans in their fight for disability benefits. If you were denied disability compensation for a spinal injury or were given a low rating, we can help. Our Veterans disability attorneys help fellow Veterans across the country appeal unfavorable VA decisions, and we have been doing so for over 20 years. Our team is committed to serving Veterans, and we may be able to help you get the benefits you deserve.

Contact Berry Law today to schedule a free case evaluation.

Berry Law

The attorneys at Berry Law are dedicated to helping injured Veterans. With extensive experience working with VA disability claims, Berry Law can help you with your disability appeals.

This material is for informational purposes only. It does not create an attorney-client relationship between the Firm and the reader, and does not constitute legal advice. Legal advice must be tailored to the specific circumstances of each case, and the contents of this blog are not a substitute for legal counsel.

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