
VA C-File: The Veterans Guide on How To File

VA C-File: The Veterans Guide on How To File

The VA disability system is complex and very thorough. When the VA makes a decision about whether to provide a Veteran with disability benefits or how much money they should provide each month, they use a collection of documents to examine the Veteran’s conditions, symptoms, service records, and more.

All of this information is compiled in a VA C-file. While the VA keeps updated records of VA C-files for each Veteran in its system, Veterans may wish to request these documents for themselves to keep their own records, correct misinformation, and provide them to legal experts when necessary.

Today, let’s break down how you can file for a C-file request online.

VA C-Files Explained

Also called C-files, VA claims files are records that the VA keeps for when a Veteran makes a disability claim. Think of it as a list of all your currently recorded conditions for which you receive a disability and the ratings those disabilities have received.

Whenever a Veteran files a claim for VA benefits, the VA requests their service records and any medical records that might be relevant to the claim or affect the rating process. As the claim for the Veteran progresses to a final rating and decision, the file grows in size, and new documents are added to it.

Furthermore, any extra claims filed are added to the overall C-file for that Veteran. As you can imagine, a VA C-file has a lot of important information for Veterans and the VA benefits office alike.

While C-files were originally paper-based until the 1990s, modern C-files are now stored digitally and organized carefully so they can be quickly retrieved. Whenever a Veteran requests their C-file, they receive it through a CD or compact disc and have access to each of the documents included in the broader file.

Note that this can result in CDs packed with information. Claims files can range from dozens of pages to overall thousands of pages long, although the length, of course, varies from person to person. If your disability benefits claim takes a long time to resolve, your C-file may be larger than average.

What’s Included in a VA C-File

A typical VA C-file is comprised of all the necessary information that VA disability benefit officers need to make a decision, as well as any information Veterans send to the VA to influence the rating and final decision.

Here’s a breakdown of some of the documents included in a C-file:

  • Application for benefits, which the Veteran will submit to receive disability benefits from the VA. All original applications, as well as any appeals afterward, will be present in the C-file.
  • DD-214, or the Report of Separation from Service. The DD-214 file has all the information about a Veteran’s character of service, their service history, and their eligibility for disability benefits. It will include specifics such as specialties for the Veteran, their dates and locations of service, and any other information that may be pertinent to a disability benefit decision.
  • DBQ or disability benefits questionnaires. DBQs are forms that the VA uses to inquire further about the nature and struggles of disabling conditions, like symptoms, severity, the possible causes of the condition(s), and whether the condition influences other disabilities.
  • VA denial letters, if applicable. These service records are for your previous attempts at receiving benefits for your condition.
  • “Buddy Statements” or Statements in Support of Claim. These are also called lay evidence, in which a witness statement substantiates VA benefits claims. These can be from other Veterans, family, friends, or doctors in some circumstances.
  • Rating decisions, which explain which benefits were granted and why. These will also explore which benefits were denied and the reasoning behind the denial(s), which Veterans can use during the appeals process.
  • Code sheets, which listed the disability ratings for a Veteran, as well as the effective dates for those ratings plus their benefits or monthly compensation amounts.
  • Appeals, if the Veteran has filed appeals for one or more disability claims. The appeal documents can include VA Form 20-0995, VA Form 20-0966, and VA Form 10182.
  • Medical records, which the VA will use to substantiate your benefits claim and make a rating decision. Medical records must come from a licensed medical practitioner. These may also include C&P or Compensation and Pension Exams, which are written by an examiner that performs the above exam for VA disability ratings.

As you can see, there are a lot of things that might be included in your VA C-file. When you receive your CD with all your documents, it may take you some time to parse through all the information. Veteran benefits lawyers may be able to help you find the document you need and use it to push a successful appeal through the VA to receive the benefits you deserve.

Why Do You Need a VA C-File?

If the VA already has your C-file and all the documents included, why might you need to obtain a copy?

Because your C-file has all the information the VA uses to decide your claim and the rating it receives, it’s often beneficial to have a copy yourself for record-keeping and in case you need to make an appeal. Furthermore, the VA office is far from perfect (as many Veterans can attest to).

If your claim is denied because of a case of mistaken information, you can obtain your C-file and look through the information to identify and correct the discrepancy. If there is such an error, correcting the problem could lead to your claim being approved after filing an appeal.

Furthermore, your legal experts may request a copy of your C-file so they can double-check your information and make sure it is accurate. Attorneys may also help you present your information more persuasively to ensure that you receive the maximum rating possible for your disability benefits.

How To Retrieve Your VA C-File Step-by-Step

Luckily, getting your VA C-file is pretty straightforward since it can all be done online.

First, download VA Form 20-1026. Save the document to your computer, then either print it out or decide to fill it out online or on your desktop. If you decide to fill it out by hand, make sure to print all the information in ink neatly and legibly. Then fill in all the applicable circles fully so the VA can scan the document when they receive it.

If there’s a problem with your document, it may be rejected or sent back. Given that the VA is already a very slow organization, you should double and triple-check your document before sending it to avoid unnecessary delays and prevent your benefits from reaching your bank account by several weeks or months. 

As you progress through the document, pay special attention to:

  • Section I
  • Section III – Be sure to click or fill in the button labeled “Claims File C-file.”
  • Section IV
  • Section V, Willingness to Pay Fees. Enter any nominal amount you choose, like $50. You don’t normally have to pay fees, but filling this section in may help to expedite the process

Then sign and date Section IV. Be sure to fill out the form legibly throughout.

Once your form is completely filled out, you should submit it through email to this address: Once you do this, the VA should respond to your request within 6 to 8 weeks.

You’ll be able to download your VA C-file using a secure link, then save the files to your computer or any other device you decide. Naturally, you can check the status of your request for your C-file at


All in all, your VA C-file is a critical document. It may be necessary to double-check to make sure your information is correct, or your lawyer may request the information so they can better serve you and ensure you get the benefits you deserve for your service.

In fact, the attorneys at Berry Law might use your VA C-file to help overturn a benefits denial or help you proceed through the benefits process more quickly. We know how important it is for you to get the maximum benefits your service earned, which is why we urge you to contact us today if you are having any trouble at all filing for your VA benefits, requesting a copy of your VA C-file, and more.


What is a VA C-File, and how can I obtain a copy? |

DD Form 214, Discharge Papers and Separation Documents | US Government Archives

VA claim (C&P) exam resumption |

About VA Form 20-10206 |

Berry Law

The attorneys at Berry Law are dedicated to helping injured Veterans. With extensive experience working with VA disability claims, Berry Law can help you with your disability appeals.

This material is for informational purposes only. It does not create an attorney-client relationship between the Firm and the reader, and does not constitute legal advice. Legal advice must be tailored to the specific circumstances of each case, and the contents of this blog are not a substitute for legal counsel.

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