
Client received service connection for residuals of heat stroke (previously rated as recurrent heat stroke and heat intolerance residuals) to include bilateral cataracts and glaucoma (previously rated as ocular disability) with an evaluation of 70 percent effective November 20, 2012; service connection for left lower extremity radiculopathy with left foot drop (previously rated as lumbar radiculopathy and as left foot drop) with an evaluation of 40 percent effective November 20, 2012; service connection for nocturia with an evaluation of 40 percent effective November 20, 2012; service connection for major depression is granted with an evaluation of 30 percent effective November 20, 2012; service connection for status post laminectomy lumbar spine x2 is granted with an evaluation of 20 percent effective November 20, 2012; service connection for right lower extremity radiculopathy is granted with an evaluation of 10 percent effective November 20, 2012; and basic eligibility to Dependents’ Educational Assistance based on permanent and total disability status from November 20, 2012.

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