
A Marine Corps Veteran Guide to Conquering GovCon

A Marine Corps Veteran Guide to Conquering GovCon

The transition from military service to the civilian workforce can be a challenge for many Marine Corps veterans.  

The skills and experiences honed in the service don’t always translate seamlessly into the corporate world, leaving many feeling adrift in unfamiliar territory. However, for Chris Lefebvre, a veteran and now the CEO of ISI Professional Services, the transition was an opportunity to leverage his leadership skills and build a successful company in the government contracting space. 

GovCon 101: Navigating the Terrain 

In this Veteran Led post, we’ll delve into Chris’s journey and explore his insights on navigating the unique challenges and opportunities in GovCon.  

From understanding the intricacies of government contracts to building strong relationships with clients and employees, Chris’s experiences offer valuable lessons for veterans considering a career in this field.  

So, what exactly is GovCon? In simple terms, it’s the world of companies that provide products and services to the government. It’s a complex ecosystem with its own set of rules, regulations, and challenges.

GovCon and Veterans

For veterans, GovCon can be a particularly appealing career path. The skills and values instilled in the military – discipline, integrity, and mission focus – are highly valued in this space.  

However, it’s important to understand that GovCon is not without its hurdles.  As Chris points out, “Government contracting is much like the military, right? It is marred with red tape, rules, and regulations.”  

The sales cycles are long, the bureaucracy can be frustrating, and the pace can be slower than in the private sector. 

But for those who are willing to adapt and embrace the unique aspects of GovCon, the opportunities are significant. 

Chris emphasizes the importance of operational excellence and continuous improvement, traits that are deeply ingrained in military culture. He also highlights the vast potential for growth and impact in this field. 

The Power of Partnerships: Building a GovCon Family 

In the world of government contracting, relationships are everything. It’s not just about fulfilling a contract; it’s about forging genuine partnerships built on trust and collaboration.  

Chris Lefebvre and his team at ISI have embraced this philosophy, creating a company culture that prioritizes people and fosters a sense of belonging. 

Chris’s “Golden Rule” approach – treating everyone, from clients to employees, with the same respect and care you’d extend to your own family – is at the heart of ISI’s success.  

It’s a leadership style that resonates with veterans who understand the importance of teamwork and camaraderie.

People’s First Approach of A Marine Veteran 

This people-first approach extends to ISI’s “land and expand” strategy. It’s not about aggressive acquisition or rapid expansion. Instead, ISI focuses on building strong relationships with clients, starting with small projects and gradually expanding their services as trust and value are demonstrated. It’s a patient and deliberate approach that prioritizes long-term partnerships over short-term gains. 

However, Chris acknowledges the challenges of maintaining a “forever home” mentality in the GovCon space.  

The nature of government contracts, with their defined periods of performance, can make it difficult to offer employees the same level of job security as in the private sector.  

Moreover, generational differences in the workforce mean that younger employees may prioritize diverse experiences and career mobility over long-term commitment to a single company. 

Despite these challenges, Chris remains committed to investing in his people and creating opportunities for growth and development. He emphasizes the importance of understanding individual aspirations and providing tailored career paths, training, and mentorship.  

“When you do that,” he says, “those investments, not just the financial ones, but in the people, the humans, reap significant rewards to the individual as well as to the organization.” 

Leadership Lessons from the Military: Adaptability and Authenticity 

Chris’s leadership style is a blend of military discipline and adaptability, reflecting his experience as a Marine Corps officer. He’s been described as both “pacesetting” and “authoritative,” but he believes that true leadership requires the ability to adjust your approach based on the situation and the individuals involved. 

He sets high standards for himself and his team, pushing them to excel and achieve their full potential. However, he recognizes that this “pacesetting” style is not always sustainable and needs to be balanced with a more “authoritative” approach that focuses on motivating and inspiring team members. 

Chris also emphasizes the importance of authenticity in leadership. He recalls a transformative experience at an offsite retreat where his leadership team shared their “deeper truths,” creating a sense of vulnerability and connection that strengthened their bond and improved their collaboration.

Transitioning from the Military to the Private Sector: A Leap of Faith 

Chris’s own transition from the Marine Corps to the private sector was not without its challenges. He admits to feeling like a “brand new second lieutenant all over again,” navigating an unfamiliar industry and working alongside colleagues with decades of experience. 

But he embraced the opportunity to learn and grow, relying on his military-instilled work ethic and adaptability to prove his value. He also emphasizes the importance of networking and building relationships, which ultimately led him to the company he now owns. 

Have a Plan

For veterans considering a career in GovCon, Chris offers this advice: Have a plan. Set clear goals, both for yourself and for the organization you want to build or join.  

Be willing to bet on yourself, learn new skills, and adapt to a different work environment. And most importantly, find a company whose culture aligns with your values and offers opportunities for growth and development.

Embrace Your Potential

Chris Lefebvre’s journey from Marine Corps officer to successful CEO is a testament to the unique skills and perspectives that veterans bring to the business world.  

His insights into the GovCon space, leadership, and the transition from military to civilian life offer valuable guidance for those looking to follow a similar path. 

Embrace your potential, set your goals, and embark on your own journey to success. The GovCon world is waiting for you! 

Like What You Hear?

Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. The Veteran Led community is here to support you every step of the way.  

Tune in to the Veteran Led Podcast to learn more powerful and inspiring stories for Veterans and how they keep improving and contributing to our community.  

Berry Law

The attorneys at Berry Law are dedicated to helping injured Veterans. With extensive experience working with VA disability claims, Berry Law can help you with your disability appeals.

This material is for informational purposes only. It does not create an attorney-client relationship between the Firm and the reader, and does not constitute legal advice. Legal advice must be tailored to the specific circumstances of each case, and the contents of this blog are not a substitute for legal counsel.

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